Wood working Made ( and sold ) my first table top. |
- Made ( and sold ) my first table top.
- Built my son his first big boy bed for his 3rd birthday. Be gentle.
- Nowhere near the quality of the other stuff here but my first real build
- Almost got this one wrapped up!
- My first big woodworking project - a five octave marimba
- My dad and I got bored so we rounded up a few of my old hockey sticks and some barn wood and made this!!
- Not a typical day at work. I made a coffin for the Edgar Allan Poe museum. Spanish cedar stained to look like mahogany.
- Built a setup for a new racing simulator with the help of my grandfather and his shop. Super proud of how it turned out, wouldn't have been able to do it without him (or his tools).
- Mailbox was falling over. So I went all out on this one. Little quirks but I love how it turned out!
- Treehouse coming together
- Built my daughter her first bed when she was 3.
- Not nearly as complicated as some of the stuff on here, but wanted to show off my new hanging flower wall!
- Chevron cutting board... Oak, maple, and walnut
- Finished the urn for my dog that passed away recently.
- Latest woodworking project. New bookshelf for the skulls of my enemies.
- My new key stand, made from White Oak and the sphere is turned from Ash. And yes you can spin the ball
- Just got married last weekend. I built a little pergola for the ceremony.
- Built a standing walnut lamp... Turned out to be more of a glowing decorative piece rather than a lamp.
- First attempt at shou sugi ban - Cedar and copper base for durability with a shou sugi ban finish (burnt with a flame thrower). Sandwiched with more heavily charred cedar for strength and contrast. Finished with mineral oil. Thoughts?
- Obligatory first dove tail (also first time using a hand plane or sharpening chisels)
- Long time lurker, but finally pulled the trigger and got my hands dirty. First real furniture project!
- wooden map of berlin (germany) complete.
- Decide to experiment with some crazy angles on this prototype coffee table
- Murphy Bed and Side Closets
- A bit late with the father's day gift, but I made this for my dad this year. Its a narrow table for family pictures, made from red oak with traditional mortice/tenon construction. Figure 8 fasteners to hold down the top.
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